Here are some tips to help you:
- Time Management: Plan, plan, plan! Before exams start, take some time to fill in your calendar (I'll give you a sample in class) and schedule study sessions for specific material, sports practices, breaks (these are essential!), meals, etc. Be disciplined and stick to that schedule!
- Schedule in study breaks: You can not expect to study non-stop for two weeks. It isn't healthy. When you write your schedule, include short study breaks to help you recharge. Again, be disciplined and stick to that schedule.
- Take advantage of study guides and sessions: If a teacher offers a session, make sure you go! Make sure you do not use these guides and meetings as a crutch. Remember-these are guides are just a jumping off point and sessions are not supposed to replace independent study time. To get the most out of a study session, please review material and come with questions. If you are not prepared, you will not get anything out of this extra time.
- Schedule in sleep: You know that sleep is essential. Put a "bedtime" on your calendar and stick to it!
- Schedule in exercise: There is absolutely no better relief for stress and anxiety than exercise. If you play a sport, write all of your practice times on your calendar. For everyone else--make sure to schedule in something you normally do--or if you don't do anything (shame on you) make sure you are going for walks on study breaks. You need fresh air. Make sure you have a balance-don't over do it on exercise to the point where you are procrastinating other tasks.
- Work with effective groups: Only study in a group if you work effectively with each other and are responsible enough to stay on task. Your friends do not always make the best study buddies. Skip working with lousy groups.
- Clear up your schedule: Remember this is only for a temporary time period! As much as you can, eliminate other responsibilities. Can you cut your work schedule down? The same goes for hanging out with friends. Talk to them at school. They will still be around in two weeks. MLK day is great day to get ahead on material. USE THIS TIME!
- Ask for help. Early and often. There is no excuse to not understanding material at this point! Teachers are willing to help you master the material. Just ask!
- Utilize study tools: There is a plethora of material online to help you master any subject. I highly recommend for easy to use study guides and review material that covers most of the material we work for US History I. There are online sites to help you make flashcards, quizzes, and schedules. Just do some searching!
Remember time management and discipline are the keys to success. It also helps to keep everything in perspective. This is just a temporary time where your schedule will rule your life!
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